
Aliquam nulla suscipit at mattis


Asertivo ta un habilidad cu nos por y mester siña nos muchanan, p’asina nan por defende nan mes y desaroya resiliencia.

Haya sa mas di nos profesionalnan den veld y loke nan ta haci den nan funcion pa haci nos comunidad mas asertivo.


Being assertive is a skill that can and should be taught to children, so they can stand up for themselves and build resilience.

Find out more about our professionals in the field and what they do in their function to make our community more assertive. 

Scohe bo idioma


Nabega den revista Asertivo na Papiamento pa crea conscientisacion y amplia conecemento.


Navigate the magazine Asertivo in English to raise awareness and extend your knowledge.

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